Gata na Praia ’22: the best Easter holidays are back

Gata na Praia is back! After two years of interregnum, the best Easter holidays have arrived to provide you with unforgettable moments, between the 9th and 14th of April.

Gata na Praia is an initiative of the Academic Association of the University of Minho, which aims to promote sport and the academic spirit, through team challenges. This year’s edition will take place in Portimão, Algarve, and aims to bring together more than 400 participants, divided into 53 teams of eight elements, composed of four girls and four boys. During that week, the days and nights are already reserved with the most varied activities, where in addition to the practice of informal sports and inter-team competitions, there are the classic themed parties with several surprises at night. Gata na Praia will provide you with a memorable experience that you don’t want to miss!

As usual, entries will be divided into two moments:

  • Pre-registration: March 10th, through an online form;
  • Registration: March 15th, at the Espaços Recurso in Gualtar and Azurém.

Gata na Praia ‘22 will cost €215 per participant. The payment of the team can be made in two ways, that is, at the time of registration, on March 15th, paying the full amount (€215) or in two tranches of 50% of the amount (1st tranche on March 15th – €110 – and 2nd tranche on March 25th – €105). All participants must be members of AAUMinho and bring proof of membership, present on the Academic Portal.

The price includes a five-night stay at the Flor da Rocha Tourist Apartments, daily brunch, free admission to the Katedral Disco Club, official event disco, and round-trip transportation, shopping transportation and transportation between the Flor da Rocha Tourist Apartments and the brunch spot.

Throughout the afternoon, the sports competition between the different teams will heat up the sand of Praia da Rocha. During the night, the usual theme parties will take place at the Katedral Disco Club, which will challenge the different costumes of the participants.

The Gata na Praia ’22 clarification session is scheduled for March 9th, at the University of Minho’s Gualtar and Azurém Campus (room still to be defined).
