START POINT Game: AAUMinho’s novelty

The Associação Académica da Universidade do Minho launched last Friday, February 17th, the new “START POINT Game”. The contest runs until June 30th 2023.

The main objective of the game is to stimulate adhesion to the activities carried out by the AAUMinho brand, such as workshops, trainings, meetups and tours. Besides that, promoting the students’ contact with the business environment and developing the participants’ skills are also purposes of the “START POINT Game”.

The “START POINT Game” is a “competition consisting of several scoring moments”. By participating in various activities designed by START POINT, all those who sign up will be rewarded with points. For each activity, participants can ‘collect’ the following points: workshops – 10 points; trainings – 5 points/h; meetups – 15 points and tours – 20 points. Thus, the competition podium will be announced monthly in START POINT’s social networks.

The first three places will be awarded prizes. For the first place, the prize will be an airplane jump. The second place winner will receive a Ryanair voucher worth 100 euros. The third place winner will receive a pair of Bluetooth headphones.

The general regulation of the START POINT Game will be available for consultation on the official START POINT site.
